Birth of a Legacy
The Birth of Series revolves around La Patron's Den. Adam, David, Renee, and Jackie, along with their partners, have been selected and dispatched to a remote continent that has had minimal interaction with the modern world, resulting in a primitive lifestyle. La Patron's pups were used to a life of luxury and were surprised when they arrived. the Whispers of violence and betrayal fill the air. Yet, the Goddess insists they do for this pack what their father did in the States. It's a formidable duty, especially when an unseen enemy want the land for themselves and will kill to take it.
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Uncover the hidden world of altered humans in 'Endangered Pair'. Join Thomas and Eve's thrilling quest for love amidst a landscape of treachery and supernatural secrets.
More info →Dragon Master Crimson Thunder – The Master’s Heir – Book 1
When Crimson Thunder’s father is killed in a mysterious accident, Crimson is determined to find out what really happened. His investigation leads him to the dark side of the shifter realm, and to the realization that his father’s death was no accident. Lightress and Dark Thunder, two powerful Ancients with rocky histories, must work together with Crimson and Nyla to fix the problems within the conclave.
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